Monday, April 26, 2010


An old one, again.

I particulary love this kind of scene: a huuuuge, young muscular woman, on stage, with men smaller than her...

What could be the story of this one?...

Look at these poor guys ... Humiliated by a teenager ... They thought they were the biggest, the most muscular, and they are being crushed by a little girl ...

But what a girl! The most manly, the most masculine and the bigger of the girls of her age! It was almost impossible to associate the sweet childish face, buried under pounds of muscles and flesh, with this beefy body of a hunk spiked to death ... It was really as if we had transplanted the head of a girl on the body of a bodybuilding champion!

Ann beamed at the thought of riding on the legendary stage of Mr. Olympia, and spraying these poor body-builders which were, after all, only men ...

She glowed while she paraded topless, as it is necessary when you have a torso as masculine as hers ... Her every movement exuded joy to show this absurd body , unthinkable for a girl of her age ... Only a twisted mind could imagine such a combination of virility and childish charm ... What sane girl would have wanted to look like this nightmare, this muscular aberration?

However, Ann, with this body perverted by the abuse of steroids, was the sexiest women on earth...


  1. Great pic of my favorite muscle fantasy! Thanks

  2. So hot! Both the picture and the description. Please keep 'em coming!

  3. Regardez les, ces pauvres types... Humiliés par une adolescente... Ils se croyaient les plus gros, les plus musclés, et ils se font écraser par une fillette...

    Mais quelle fillette! La plus virile, la plus masculine et la plus énorme des filles de son âge! Il était presque impossible d'associer le doux visage enfantin, enfouie sous des kilos des muscles et de chair avec ce corps d'étalon dopés à en mourir... C'était vraiment comme si on avait transplanté la tête d'une gamine sur le corps d'un champion de culturisme!

    Ann rayonnait à l'idée de monter sur cette scène mythique du Mister Olympia, et de pulvériser ces pauvres Body builder qui n'étaient, après tout, que des hommes...

    Elle resplendissait tandis qu'elle défilait torse nu, comme il se doit lorsque l'on a un torse aussi masculin que le sien... Chacun de ses mouvement respirait la joie de montrer ce corps aberrant, inimaginable pour une fille de son âge... Seul un esprit tordu aurait pu imaginer une telle combinaison de virilité et de charme enfantin... Quelle fillette saine d'esprit aurait voulu ressembler à ce cauchemar, cette aberration musculeuse?

    Ann, avec ce corps perverti par l'abus de stéroïdes, était pourtant la plus sexy des femmes...

  4. Jesus! Could you possibly make it any hotter??? The thought of a young girl muscling-up and becoming more manly and more muscular than any guy could hope to be is just crazy-hot!

  5. Your sketch is fantastic, wonderful. The idea of a woman more manly, strong, muscular than men who are dedicated to the growth of muscles with hard work is my favorite fantasy.
    When I saw the illustration first, I thought it was a competition among very strong male bodybuilders. Only then I noticed that the physical most spectacular, ripped, giant was a young woman! Maybe, if she utilizes the bikini top, would be more exciting and clearer the comparison.
    Congratulations for drawing and description. Look at the humiliated men in the background and the expression of surprise of the old champion bodybuilder! Yours stechs are very expressive! You're an artist!
